Load all modules implementing a behaviour in escript

Since dev mode starts the BEAM in interactive mode, my first stab at the problem would be to make sure all your app’s modules are loaded:

prefix = "YourApp.YourNamespace"

|> Enum.filter(fn {name, _, loaded} -> !loaded && String.starts_with?(to_string(name), "Elixir." <> prefix) end)
|> Enum.map(fn {name, _, _} -> name |> List.to_atom() end)
|> :code.ensure_modules_loaded()

…and then retry with your coding snippets from above.

(:code.all_available() docs for reference.)

This is not a bulletproof solution since f.ex. Phoenix projects with Postgres enums can produce modules defined in the global namespace if one is not careful (i.e. not belonging to your project’s namespace) but I’d think it’s good enough as a start.

NOTE 1: You’ll need OTP 23 for :code.all_available().

NOTE 2: Maybe this thread can help as well: Run code for each module implementing a Behaviour

NOTE 3: Maybe this answer in a thread can help as well? How to detect if a module implemented genserver callbacks