Membrane RTSP source

@mat-hek Good news! i found a bug in the code that was sending the SPS and PPS values to the parser. Was essentially causing an off by X number of bytes issue. Currently working on a PR to the ffmpeg element.


Perfect! Really glad you made it work :slight_smile: And thanks for all the PRs :wink:


So after some time working with it, i learned that RTSP supports using UDP for the media stream which gets rid of the RTSP interlacing as every packet ends up being a RTP packet. I haven’t decided which method i will use overall, but i suspect the UDP transport will be easier in the long run for me.

UDP FTW … Discord won’t let me post just acronyms, haha


I have a task to transcode rtsp streams from ip video cameras and get a webrtc stream. As it is done here. This solution in golang does not use third-party services (ffmpeg or gstreamer). Can I do it with Membrane and Elixir? If so, can you tell me if there are any similar examples somewhere?