mix ecto.create and passwordless postgres

It does, there’s a couple threads in the past about it, the thing is that postgres need to be configured to accept other ways of connecting to it and by default (at least in Fedora, YMMV) passwordless connections (in this case peer auth) are only available to unix domain socket connections.

I’m assuming that you would like to do this for dev purposes and not for production (passwordless auth in production can be safe, but it isn’t easy), and the easiest way to achieve it is to pass :socket_dir to the config at dev.exs.

config :tambor, MyApp.Repo,
  socket_dir: "/var/run/postgresql",
  database: "myapp_db",
  show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true,
  pool_size: 10

Should be enough to make Ecto connect to the DB.