Mix formatter for tabs instead of spaces

I find indentation guide pure evil noise.

What I like instead is a subtle vim colorcolumn

Just my personal preference of course

Yeah, noise for me too, but I also generally avoid deep nesting because it’s usually an indicator of some other smell.

I have to admit that with breakindent, breakat and showbreak I really don’t care about line width, although like nesting it’s definitely another indicator for smell.


Someone recently thanked me directly on the gist above that contains the formatter code. And for every one person that bothers to comment, there’s probably a few more that don’t…

I’d perhaps agree that this leans toward bikeshedding, but I’d still prefer the core formatter to be agnostic with respect to this (perhaps enforcing it on a project by project basis, however).

Most of the arguments against tabs can be shot down just by pointing at gofmt while exclaiming “seems like it works just fine for them!”, but I did dip into one more debate with ChatGPT about it…

I didn’t want to necro the thread but I did want to thank everyone for their input. Now go back out there and build cool stuff (using whatever indentation you prefer, but you better stick with spaces for any community-shared code!)