Mnesia with Memento lost all records for all tables

So I have been playing with this, using a script that writes directly to the disk, without going through Mnesia:

defmodule FileIO do
  @moduledoc """
  iex> fd =! "test.txt"                             
  iex> FileIO.append!(fd, "test it") &&!("test.txt")
  "test it\n"
  iex> FileIO.close fd                                          

  @write_mode [:append, :binary]
  # @write_mode [:append, :binary, :delayed_write]
  # @write_mode [:append, :binary, {:delayed_write, 1, 1}]

  def open!(path, write_mode \\ @write_mode) do!(path, write_mode)

  def close(file_descriptor) do

  def append!(file_descriptor, data) do
    {:ok, start_position} = :file.position(file_descriptor, :cur)

    :ok = IO.binwrite(file_descriptor, "#{data}\n")

    {:ok, end_position} = :file.position(file_descriptor, :cur)

      file_descriptor: file_descriptor,
      start_position: start_position,
      end_position: end_position,
      size: byte_size(data)

  def read!(path) do
    {:ok, data} = :file.read_file(path)

I can confirm that the delay of 2 seconds is indeed coming from the BEAM when the file is open to write with delayed_write, that defaults to 64KB max size or 2 seconds, as per the Erlang docs:


The same as {delayed_write, Size, Delay} with reasonable default values for Size and Delay (roughly some 64 KB, 2 seconds).

If in the above script i use @write_mode [:append, :binary] or @write_mode [:append, :binary, {:delayed_write, 1, 1}] I can immediately read the content of the file after I write to it and see that my last write is persisted on disk, but if I use instead @write_mode [:append, :binary, :delayed_write] I cannot see the last write in the file, unless I wait 2 seconds to read it.

Just to recap, Mnesia when set to disc_copies is using disk_log Erlang library that opens the file with {:delayed_write, max_size, max_time}], thus opening the window to loose data.

So, the next steps is trying to find a commit time to disk that is as lower as possible, without affecting too much the throughput, but favoring consistency over write speed. When I find a good value that I am happy with, then I will configure Mnesia with it and see if it can cope well under load in the same way as my above script.

Any recommendation to benchmark my script and Mnesia?