Multilanguge CMS database schema, ideas, opinions

ex_cldr handles RFC compliant language tags and also manages fallbacks to supported languages. For a somewhat extreme example:

iex> MyApp.Cldr.validate_locale "en-AU-u-nu-latn-cu-AUD-cf-account-tz-ausyd"
   canonical_locale_name: "en-Latn-AU",
   cldr_locale_name: "en",
   extensions: %{},
   gettext_locale_name: nil,
   language: "en",
   language_subtags: [],
   language_variant: nil,
   locale: %{
     currency: :AUD,
     currency_format: :accounting,
     number_system: :latn,
     timezone: "Australia/Sydney"
   private_use: [],
   rbnf_locale_name: "en",
   requested_locale_name: "en-AU",
   script: "Latn",
   territory: "AU",
   transform: %{}

Which should tell you pretty much everything you need to know. And there are other related libs for format dates, numbers, units (and soon messages) etc as required.