Oh wow, congrats then
for a non-business-critical open-sourcing of the logic someday : D
Ok both of those together make my head explode a little bit, I need to give it more thinking.
I was imagining something like
# at router.ex
live "/:route", RouterLive
and then
# At RouterLive module
def mount (...) do
# Load some stuff from the landing request
def handle_params(%{"route" => route },...) do
{:noreply, assign(socket, :route, route)}
def render(assigns) do
<%= if @route =="first-page" %>
<%= live_render @socket, FirstPageLive, ... %>
<% else %>
<%= live_render @socket, SecondPageLive, ... %>
<% end %>
# <-- Then here all the handle_event thingies from stateful LiveComponents
Is that even close?