Need help wiring this Ecto preload query

How do i preload this correctly?

This code is on my LV mount to get a list of data

data =
  Function.get(data1, data2, [
    {:a, [:ab, :ac]},
    # {:bc, [:bca, :bcab, {:bd, [:be]}]},

The code above works fine, but if i remove the commented line

data =
  Function.get(data1, data2, [
    {:a, [:ab, :ac]},
    {:bc, [:bca, :bcab, {:bd, [:be]}]},

it will result to <association :bc is not loaded> or :bc does not have association or embed :a

If i moved the preloaded schemas to this

data =
  Function.get(data1, data2, [
    {:a, [:ab, :ac]},
    {:bc, [:bca, :bcab, {:bd, [:be]}]}

then the error would be :a does not have association or embed :c can someone explain why i’m getting this error? and how it would be solved?

This is the get Function i’m using.

  def get(struct, id, preloaded) do
    |> preload(^preloaded)
    |> Repo.get(id)

If i directly put the preloaded data here everything works fine, for example:

  def get(struct, id, _preloaded) do
    |> preload([
        {:a, [:ab, :ac]},
        {:bc, [:bca, :bcab, {:bd, [:be]}]}
    |> Repo.get(id)