(Neo)vim and language servers

I started writing a quick start guide (as mentioned here) but ran into issues with lspconfig too, so ended up installing Spacevim, which works but feels slower than Spacemacs (so I uninstalled it). The reason I wanted to use Neovim is because I wanted something that felt really snappy!

So currently I am leaning towards Doom Emacs - it’s much easier to set-up, feels pretty solid, and Emacs actually has some really nice features (as mentioned in this DT thread). People (or at least the person in that vid) says that once you know the basics of Vim then it’s a good time to transition to Emacs in Evil mode (i.e Doom Emacs or Spacemacs).

I’d still be interested in trying to get a working ‘fast’ Neovim set up tho… perhaps we can start a thread in members-only to work on putting together a step-by-step guide?