(Neo)vim and language servers

After months of head-scratching and procrastinating over getting nvim-lspconfig set up property, I set up coc.nvim this morning in a couple of hours and it all works magically. Most of the defaults were what I wanted, and I only had to add about 5 lines of config. :h coc-nvim has all the documentation you need. It was also only a couple of commands to get language servers working with with json, typescript, etc. too. I wish I’d started with coc.nvim from the beginning!

Also: I tend to run two buffers side-by-side, and the way warnings are displayed with the built-in lsp support is that they are appended to the end of the line - often falling of the screen. coc.nvim’s implementation shows the warnings in a popup when you focus on them, which works better. The native version is probably configurable, but coc.vim’s defaults worked well for me.