Just my personal preference but I think these might be a good mix:
- Elixir for Programmers (PragDave) (Currently on offer for $30!) - if you like instruction via video - this one should give you a pretty good tour. Whether or not video courses can be as “in depth” as books is a separate issue. But the content of the course is different from Programming Elixir 1.6 - though there will be some overlap in terms of the technologies covered.
- Elixir In Action (Manning) 2nd Edition - This one has a slight edge for me over Programming Elixir 1.6 simply because it seems focused on working effectively with the BEAM (the virtual machine that Elixir/Erlang run on) - but ultimately that’s likely personal preference. Though lots of people (including myself) have used both books (to get 35% off the ebook, use code ‘elixirforum18’).
- Learn Functional Programming with Elixir (Pragprog) - if any additional help is needed with the “functional way of doing things” (to get 35% off the ebook, use code ‘ElixirForum’).