Nice! And thank you to everyone forming this new team!
This actually echoes an idea I’ve had but haven’t had time to properly thrash out/post on the forum yet (think I first hinted about it in that old Brex thread) but essentially I was thinking how smaller, more independent projects like Elixir can compete with those funded by giants, and I felt reimagining how core teams are comprised could be a really nice fit for such projects, where essentially you still have a core team, but you also have smaller highly-specific or specialised teams, eg:
The reason I hadn’t posted about it is because I wasn’t able to give it as much thought as I felt it needed, for instance, when you expand a team, that inevitably comes with additional potential problems (because now you have more people who are ambassadors of the project). This was partly why I felt these teams shouldn’t be clumped in with the ‘main’ Core Team, but rather sub-teams - so there is a clear difference yet you still get a similar feeling of pride for being part of or in an officially recognised or linked team. I think it could be a really nice way for more independent projects to get the kind of support they need, essentially writing their own rules on how to grow in a sustainable way.
Of course there are other considerations too, such as the added responsibility for the core team to then have to manage smaller teams - but my initial feeling was that it would be worth it (just hadn’t had time to think about all the possible pros/cons).
So… personally I am very glad to see José and the core team have been thinking along the same lines, and I wonder whether we’ll see more of this in future