Opinionated vs modular web frameworks

I have and use a substantial amount of html helpers, though we have a fairly dynamic-looking website that uses special DOM and CSS constructs without javascript (while falling back to text browsers) but it works exceptionally well. :slight_smile:

The only real side effect for an erlang process is sending a message, and yes things like IO and so forth are message sending (and ETS can be treated as such), but anything that is not message sending is pure, the message sending is like an algebraic effect, which is an entirely functional concept. :slight_smile:

Try something like OCaml, and leave out all the type declarations on functions and bindings that you can, you’ll see how fast you can program in it while catching entire swaths of bugs that would otherwise fall in. ^.^

That is very much my last job, I love my current job, I gave up a lot of money just for this happiness. :slight_smile:

Yep, I HAVE to support javascript-less screen-readers (and text browsers as well for my own use), so I go through a lot of effort to have the site by progressively enhanced by javascript, but is otherwise fully functional without it.

I may have acquired a bit of hatred for websites that don’t fall back gracefully without javascript and css and so forth, I’ve seen how the people that use screen readers have a hell of a time using them and these are their only interfaces to the Internet
 Like there is no way they could use these forums without the mailing-list interface


Even if we leave screen readers aside – which we shouldn’t because many disabled people can only entertain themselves through the internet! – we absolutely positively have a responsibility to enable the next giant leap of our Information Age (as book writers and other people call it) because it’s on the horizon already. This enablement must come through all the info on the internet beeing free and easy to gather (scrapers) and subsequently categorized (via semantic ontologies and such).

That being said, most startups make money through selling the personal data of their former customers – after their inevitable crash – so NOT having that info freely accessible for a future A.I. to suck into its ginormous database might be the better option. :slight_smile:


Link helpers are useful for turning regular links into POSTS, adding params etc

That is a fair point, I was adding a link helper today for a delete link. In the end I did wonder if there was value in not being able to do some of these thinks. If I spend any time thinking about the web semantics then I’m not sure I like how easy it is to make a DELETE link

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This talk has some nice points on “tools for though”. e.g.

You can make general things more powerful by applying other things to them. but you can’t go the other way round [make powerful abstractions more general]

~28min in.

I think I weigh up opinionated frameworks on the same scale. It’s not really possible to make them less opinionated so you have to hope they hit a sweet spot for you.

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