Phoenix 1.4.0 released!

Hmmm I dunno you know… maybe if we all chip in and buy Chris a few hundred packets of those chocolate beans it’ll be ready in about, erm, a week? :lol:


I’m down! :joy:


Is telemetry expected to stabilize before Ecto 3.0 is released? Currently it says:

NOTICE : This library is in very much alpha stage. API may (and probably will!) change in unpredictable ways. Use with caution.

If Ecto 3.0 includes Telemetry with an API that changes in a later version of Telemetry, wouldn’t an upgrade to that version be considered a breaking change (assuming the differences are visible to the user)?


The new generators also use Milligram

How about not to include any css library at all?


Thank you, it’s a very small thing but very much appreciated


Indeed, I’ve wasted a lot of time trying to generate ssl certs for development.

Also congratulations on 1.4-rc0 Phoenix has been a pleasure to work with, thank you for your hard work!

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It’s important for things to look nice out-of-the-box, as well as be usable. This matters for prototypes, as well as beginners just getting started. The amount of effort to remove is deleting phoenix.css and removing the import from your app.css file.


Out of the box for backend, perhaps.

But out of the box for frontend, Rails does this, and it is awful. :worried:

I apologize, I’m only voicing my opinion.

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But Elixir runs on the backend…

We’re talking about Phoenix. A web framework.

It’s so minimal tho - 2kb. Just delete the css and it’s as good as never have been there :003:


I normally would immediately agree with you but after making a few test apps yesterday I can say that it’s trivial to remove Milligram. It’s a 1-minute job.

But I am actually quite impressed by it. Whoever made it is a magician.


Couple of questions (maybe for @chrismccord?):

  1. Are docs available online for 1.4.0-rc.0?
  2. Will devs be able to install previous phoenix releases using the mix archive.install hex phx_new XXXX syntax?
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I wonder if it is possible to implement a command for custom boilerplates? This way, everyone can have its own setup for new generated apps, and share them with the community. Let’s say, I want React + Redux + Bulma as my frontend libraries. So I run:

mix --template

And I get all setup and ready right out-of-the-box. It’s just a quickly idea, but we can think about it, this flexibility would be awesome.

BuckleScript / ReasonML already has something like this:

BTW, congrats for the release.


Why not just create your own mix task, similar to how the current phoenix generator work, and share that with the community?


Granted, I haven’t looked…but I thought I remember seeing that the boilerplate templates could be modified if you wanted to…I could be blurring that thought though.

I’m fine with just copying my custom setup to replace Phoenix’s files. But those things are great to have it with the official installation, not a custom task that probably nobody would use.

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Why is it better to have it with the official installation? If I install a new archive I can just run mix where foo is whatever I decide to call this specific generator. If I have to specify a template, I now need to look it up every time I want to use that specific template. I personally think the ergonomics are a bit easier if I just install an archive.

Of course instead of having a generator or template thing attached to the official generators, someone could just maintain a git repo as a “starter pack”. The only immediate downside I see to this is you would need to change the module / folder names to correspond with your project name.

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Yes. Until “>= 1.5” will be released we have some months of joy :slight_smile: - have bought the “old” book a few months ago. But the new stuff in the 1.4 framework is definitively worth the price of the new book :smiley:

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  2. We don’t plan to release older archives on hex, but they can continue to be installed via the Github URL