Phoenix Functional Components and Hot Reloading

Hi there,

I’m seeing an issue where changes to Phoenix functional components aren’t being reflected automatically until a refresh, or if I change other content on the page that is using the component.

For instance, I have a simple container:

defmodule Card do
  use Phoenix.Component

  def card(assigns) do
      <%= render_slot(@inner_block) %>

This renders as expected on a page like so:

  <div>Test Content</div>

When I modify the functional component, e.g. to add a class to add the styling for the card, the page seems to refresh but the Card component is not updated to reflect the new style. However, if I modify the “inner block” content, e.g. the “Test Content” text, then the page is refreshed and the component changes come through.

Is this expected behaviour, or am I doing something wrong? (Note that this is not on a LiveView page, just a simple view)


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That is expected. If you look in your config/dev.exs you see something like this:

live_reload: [
    patterns: [

You could put your components into a separate folder e.g. my_app_web/components and add it to the live_reload patterns:

live_reload: [
    patterns: [
      ~r"lib/my_app_web/(live|views|components)/.*(ex)$", # <--

Then the page should get reloaded when you change something in your components.


Ah! Makes sense. Much appreciated :slight_smile:

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