The steam can be chunked in order to send larger pieces.
Yes, I thought about it when I saw the interspersed commas were send on their own. A quick benchmark could tell how much entries should be buffered before sending each chunk. But our solution is already good enough for @quda I guess
Thanks @mmmrrr . More clear now.
Tried with Stream.intersperse/2
. For very big files is about 30% slower than the initial solution.
How can I make chunks of, lets say, 50kb each ? Is it possible ?
Something like this, untested:
defp delay_chunk(conn, data, buffer, byte_counter) when byte_counter >= 65536 do
{chunk(conn, Enum.reverse(buffer)), [data], 0}
defp delay_chunk(conn, data, buffer, byte_counter) do
{conn, [data | buffer], byte_counter+IO.iodata_length(data)}
You may need to add error handling and a final flush at the end, but you get the idea.
My petty contribution to the solution of @lud with Stream.intersperse/2
|> Stream.intersperse(",")
|> Stream.chunk_every(2)
By applying Stream.every/2 with 2 as argument new chunks are created into the stream by combining the previous records with the comma from intersperse.
Proud of my finding!
What version of Elixir/Erlang are you running? I recently had an issue with
being very slow, and upgrading Erlang from 24.0 to 24.1 fixed it.
I’ve just upgraded it to 24.1 (from 22). Same speed for stream, don’t see any difference. But it’s quite fast, IMO, 60MB/4.5s