Phoenix liveview fail on one computer

same project on different machine has enableDebug and runs as espected

These are dependencies on mix.exs

      {:phoenix, "~> 1.6.5"},
      {:phoenix_html, "~> 3.0"},
      {:phoenix_live_reload, "~> 1.2", only: :dev},
      {:phoenix_live_view, "~> 0.17.5"},

The client (browser) console, propose in autocompletio enableDebug (twice), but it returns an error when invoqued

Anyway your JavaScript file your browser gets is quite likely from old LiveView. Now you just have to find out why this is happening. I would close all tabs and clear browser cache.

good point about root vs roots

I runned on a ā€œnormalā€ computer, and the exit of liveView isā€¦

LiveSocket {unloaded: false, socket: Socket, bindingPrefix: 'phx-', opts: {ā€¦}, params: ʒ, ā€¦}
activeElement: null
bindingPrefix: "phx-"
boundTopLevelEvents: true
currentLocation: {ancestorOrigins: {ā€¦}, href: 'http://localhost:4000/', origin: 'http://localhost:4000', protocol: 'http:', host: 'localhost:4000', ā€¦}
defaults: {debounce: 300, throttle: 300}
domCallbacks: {onNodeAdded: ʒ, onBeforeElUpdated: ʒ}
hooks: {}
href: "http://localhost:4000/"
linkRef: 1
loaderTimeout: 1
localStorage: Storage {length: 0}
main: View {liveSocket: LiveSocket, flash: null, parent: null, root: View, el: div#phx-FsWg_mP454K4MwBh.phx-connected, ā€¦}
metadataCallbacks: {}
opts: {params: {ā€¦}}
params: ʒ ()
pendingLink: null
prevActive: null
roots: {phx-FsWg_mP454K4MwBh: View}
sessionStorage: Storage {length: 0}
silenced: false
socket: Socket {stateChangeCallbacks: {ā€¦}, channels: Array(1), sendBuffer: Array(0), ref: 4, timeout: 10000, ā€¦}
transitions: TransitionSet {transitions: Set(0), pendingOps: Array(0)}
unloaded: false
uploaders: {}
viewLogger: undefined
[[Prototype]]: Object

There are some diferences

Iā€™ve deleted cache, not fixed :frowning:
Iā€™ve moved full browser folder (chromium and firefox), therefore starting with a new instalation, same behaviour

Iā€™ve installed brave browser, and no changes :frowning:
Liveview doesnā€™t work, and liveSocket returns root instead of roots :open_mouth:

Now you have the same project, built in 2 different machines, one working, one not working. Can you compare priv/static/assets/app.js from the 2 machines. Are they the same? If not, then your esbuild did not do the right thing on the bad machine.

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They are different!!! quite different

I cannot put the differences here because is a huge file and there are many differences
I have no idea of what can be happening with esbuild, Iā€™m going to try to investigate and try to solve it

Iā€™ll keep you informed if I can get any advance about it

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Iā€™ve moved the full .cache folder to a new name, and itā€™s WORKING!!!

now Iā€™m going to check what is producing this inside this folder

Sadly I cannot reproduce the problem any more :frowning:

After moving .cache to .cache.old and deleting priv/static/assets, it worked (assets where regenerated on mix phx.server correctly)

Then I deleted .cache and moved back .cache.old to .cache, and deleted again priv/static/assets in order to reproduce the problem and investigate what was producing this behavourā€¦ butā€¦ it didnā€™t fail anymore :frowning:

Iā€™ve created a new project with the ā€œoriginal and perhaps corrupted cacheā€, and everything is working fine

Perhaps, I did a mistake, and I didnā€™t close a browser when manipulating .cache folder. Not sure

Iā€™m not happy because I cannot reproduce the problem and try to understand the exact point that produced it. I also was interested on checking if could be possible to have better information on phoenix side when problems arrive.

The app.js as derek-zhou detected was wrong, probably because someone (esbuild?) was getting an old and invalid version from .cache
After manipulating this folderā€¦ it worked due toā€¦ donā€™t know, could be due to updated timestamps, running applicationā€¦

Thank to all of you, I learned a lot trying to understand this problem