Phoenix LiveView vs SPA

This is something a few of us are working on actually…
Checkout @methyl s Todo POC demo: GitHub - surferseo/livedata_todomvc

Our main focus is react at the moment, but ideally it will be a relatively thin wrapper around Phoenix Sockets + channels…

Here is a look at an early react hook API:

This is still limited to serializable values, but is a more ergonomic API for accessing server side state from frontend JS than what is required with the current version of live_view.

join us in the livedata slack channel if you’re interested in helping out!

The goal of this effort is a live_view(ssr) ↔ SPA middle ground… that lets elixir devs keep more state on the server, but still benefit from all the effort poured into the react/angular/vue(name your framework here) front end UI libraries.