Phoenix Localized Routes - Localized/multilingual routes in Phoenix

My dear lib followers,

Work at Verified Routes support urged me to refactor this lib. As a result…another Proof of Concept saw the light of day.

TLDR; let’s split up Phoenix Localized Routes - Localized/multilingual routes in Phoenix so developers can pick what features they need instead of importing one ‘do-it-all’, or write features themselves in a few lines of code.

But I have not forgotten you!

Routex has almost feature parity with Phoenix Localized Routes already, only one or two extensions yet to be written. Minor modifications might be needed to the backend module / configuration but it’s almost a drop-in replacement.

Routex` Assigns extension supports custom namespaces, so I chose @loc for the Example app. The Example app is actually just the Example App from Localized Route with a few tiny modifications; mostly ‘naming’ things which should be migratable with a search-replace.

I would like to gather feedback on the idea before any release! So please let me know what your routing needs are so I can see if/how that would fit in the Routex ecosystem; being an extension or part of the framework itself.

Link to Routex topic