Poll: What VSCode theme do you use?

Some years ago, before Github released their official theme, I created a version of Github syntax theme with a darker window theme, called it Umbra: Umbra - Visual Studio Marketplace

Hey! I LOVE this theme!!
I’ve switched from dark+(elixir)

So glad you’re enjoying it :slight_smile:

Just updated VSCode and suddenly there’s less colors for the syntax and dark+ theme now gives me a lot of shades of blue that are not distinct enough.
Anyone else has experienced a theme degrade just recently?

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Not exactly solving your point, but have u tried https://cursor.sh/ ? its a fork of VSCode (with first class AI tooling built in), so you could doublecheck if your theme works there as you were used to it (yes all vscode plugins are working in cursor, its a fork).

To answer the very initial topic of this thread: I use synthwave '84 with the neon glow enabled and OperatorMono with Ligatures as font

this is how Heex looks like (code snippet from default phoenix core components

this is how some Ecto function looks like (phx.gen.auth context, with git-diff-like code gen UI from GPT)

Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-08 um 22.36.46

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New favorite is Rose Pine :slight_smile:

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I’m using Atom One dark & light mode for years (auto-switching from light to dark in the evening)

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I think the same thing happened to me. After adding this to my User settings and tweaking those two colors, it is now fixed.

"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
  "[One Dark Pro]": {
    "textMateRules": [
        "scope": "variable.other.readwrite",
        "settings": {
          "foreground": "#ccc"
        "scope": "variable.other.readwrite.module.elixir",
        "settings": {
          "foreground": "#e77"

Keep in mind I am using One Dark Pro theme, so you will have to adjust the snippet above accordingly.

Seems to be an issue with ElixirLS. I reverted to the previous version for now.


Horizon Extended.

Interesting thread! I’m going to give attention to the contrast/legibility of comments and have a look through all the themes.

Hah so I wasn’t going crazy after all!

I switched to the official GitHub themes (Dark Default), which I just got to know from this thread, from dark+ in the meanwhile which makes the regression a little more bearable, but might as well stay with the GitHub theme as I really like it so far.

Technically, the changes in 0.17 fixed an issue making the grammar match almost everything as source.elixir. Now variables are matched by variable.other.readwrte.elixir but there are 2 problems.

  1. variable rule is invalid as it sets the capture to punctation
  2. function calls are matched as variables
    The fix is already on master and I plan tu release it in 0.17.1 soon. If you want to give it a try GitHub - elixir-lsp/vscode-elixir-ls: Elixir language support and debugger for VS Code, powered by ElixirLS.

0.17.1, now with more [theme dependent] red!


I use Atomize with custom elixir syntax highlighting from language-elixir Atom extension.

I think is the more sober and less carnivalesque.

I found (and loved) Dark Elixir one, after tried almost all mentioned on the thread…

Does anyone know whether there is a VSC theme that matches hexdocs?