Popup appears for a fraction of a second whenever a mix task is run (verifying shm-id-F8BD8E...)

Just imagine the popup would steal focus… :slight_smile: I don’t know anything about the underlying problem here, but I can’t comprehend how a flashing popup can improve security somehow. It probably makes something more transparent/visible, but still… If it’s only there for a fraction of a second.

I don’t think the process bar is the “security”. What the OS runs is likely the “security” and it just shows the process bar, so that you notice it’s doing stuff while you wait for it to allow you to proceed.

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Whatever way we look at it, Apple dropped the ball very hard on this one. I can’t even begin to imagine what drugs you have to be on to think that creating files and mmap-ing them merits an actual UI dialog. That’s an OS system API, it’s not an OS file open dialog API.