Postico - PostgreSQL client

Just going to throw this out to anyone else using PostgreSQL on a Mac and likes having an GUI for looking at the database.

Postico - A Modern PostgreSQL Client for the Mac


Seems awful expensive for having a significantly reduced feature-set of the free PostgreSQL built-in pgadmin, and OS-specific is always… highly questionable… What is the purpose of it over pgadmin?


Well, for a beginner, like myself, it seems easier to navigate just to see the data.

I didn’t know about pgadmin. But that looks nice too. Thanks.

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pgadmin is what comes with the postgresql standalone installs, a beta version 4 on the direct site as well has had a significant GUI overhaul that does look more similar to the above program, it is still lacking a few features that v3 has so I’m still using v3 for now (the one bundled with PostgreSQL is v3 still as well).

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