Potentially removing brunch from the Phoenix new template generator

webpack 4 (still in alpha) is moving towards a zero config default, some details here: https://www.valentinog.com/blog/webpack-4-tutorial/


The question is whether Webpack is simply a solution that just changes the problem.

  • 2013-12-19 Webpack 1 beta 2
  • 2014-02-19 Webpack 1
  • 2015-11-01 Webpack 2 beta
  • 2017-01-17 Webpack 2.2
  • 2017-06-19 Webpack 3
  • 2017-12-04 Webpack 4 alpha

Lately the major versions just seem to be chasing one another. So would

ā€œWhen will Phoenix distribute with Webpack?ā€

simply be traded for

ā€œWhen will Phoenix update the (major) version of Webpack it comes with?ā€


This post right here worries meā€¦ Iā€™m even more certain brunch should be removed nowā€¦



After looking at Brunchā€™s twitter account along with the GitHub repo as well as a few brunch packages, it does indeed look like itā€™s dying or dead.

I can honestly say, I never really appreciated Rails Asset pipeline until I started mucking around with JS build systems. I have a preference for gulp - and havnā€™t even tried webpack- but know I hate brunch.


Rather than just discussing this I thought Iā€™d contribute some code. This: https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix/pull/2740 is a pull request to make the default use npm scripts rather than brunch. I only kind of know what Iā€™m doing when it comes to JavaScript/CSS build pipelines but this PR seems to generate a working project with watching JS and CSS supported. (I think the JS pipeline is OK, but donā€™t think CSS pipeline is correct.)


@baldmountain Sucks it got shutdown so quickly without much discussion :confused:

I pinged the Brunch dev team to see if it is still being actively developed. @paulmillr (one of the devs) replied that dependencies are still being maintained. I did not recieve confirmation that the project is still actively being developed, :shrug:

@brunch Is this project still actively maintained? Or has it been back-burner'd?

/cc @paulmillr & @ElanShanker

ā€” Rich Smith (@RichJDSmith) February 4, 2018
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@richjdsmith Iā€™m OK with it being shut down. For learning Phoenix, or just getting started, brunch is just fine and continues to work.

Developers who are going to build a React, Angular, Vue.js (or some other JS framework) app are going to know more about JS build pipelines and are going to replace bunch as part of starting up a project. So brunch is still fine by me.

But I do think it is something that will need to be replaced at some point. Thereā€™s just no rush to do it now.


Perfectly reasonable attitude. I agree completely. Iā€™d just like to see there be a discussion before jumping on board The Next Great Build Tool/Task Runnerā„¢

Ruby on Rails was super opinionated and that could sometimes be a massive PITA, but I still miss the Asset Pipeline.