Private ets tables and ERL_MAX_ETS_TABLES

Heh, sorry, basically a map of maps is perfectly fine. ^.^

My nose stands correct. I mean still points forward. Serious. ^.^

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True, but my defence is that I was a bit more explicit. :slight_smile:


Nice tĂȘte-Ă -tĂȘte’s and likie likies back and forth, but I don’t have the idea my questions are directly answered. Never mind, the need is not pressing.

One thing that I think wasn’t mentioned is that private ETS tables really aren’t handled in any special way. All tables are implemented in the same way and what makes them private, or protected or public, is basically just some flags. So private tables are not really local to the process that owns them, which is why the ERL_MAX_ETS_TABLES is per node and cannot be per process. The handling of data is also the same for all tables.

One other point which distinguishes ETS tables from maps is the way data can be grouped and accessed with more complex access functions.