Problem installing dependencies - could not install Hex because Mix could not download metadata

Hi, I have problem with mix deps.get.
When I use it, I receive communicate like below:

Failed to fetch record for 'phoenix_pubsub' from registry (using cache)
Failed to fetch record for 'phoenix_live_reload' from registry (using cache)
Failed to fetch record for 'postgrex' from registry (using cache)
Failed to fetch record for 'cowboy' from registry (using cache)
Failed to fetch record for 'phoenix_html' from registry (using cache)
Failed to fetch record for 'phoenix' from registry (using cache)
** (Mix) No package with name phoenix (from: mix.exs) in registry

If I try mix local.hex, I have:

** (Mix) httpc request failed with: :socket_closed_remotely

Could not install Hex because Mix could not download metadata at

Output from mix is:

Hex:    0.14.0
Elixir: 1.6.0
OTP:    20.1

Built with: Elixir 1.3.4 and OTP

Where can be a problem?

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Are you perhaps firewalls or proxied to the internet?

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Thanks, I just realized that it was related to proxy.

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can you please document what you did to solve this for the benefit of other users in the same position who don’t know how to solve this just by knowing that they are behind a proxy.

I am on windows 10
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.5] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1]
Elixir 1.9.4 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 20)

I’m having the same problem.

the instructions in this helped me get it working.

as I am behind a proxy on a corporate LAN i used the HEX_UNSAFE_HTTPS variable set to 1.