Problem with dependencies

Looking at Elixir’s changelogs and inferring the general direction from them and by the core team’s posts, I would say they want to make Elixir even more explicit. I believe this thread is partially related to your valid misgivings:

Trouble with most open-source is that people start off doing it enthusiastically and it either (a) achieves the original goal of the author, or (b) they got burned out and/or got swamped with other duties and can no longer maintain the package.

Elixir does not introduce breaking changes as far as I am aware but bugs in older versions existed and some libs / apps might have worked because of them and not in spite of them. Somebody once said: “Computer bugs are like dogs: they like lying on their bellies in the company of their kin.”

I agree and have been waiting on a programming language tool to introduce something as strict. We absolutely need builds reproducible to the last byte. The closest you can get with mix and hex is to do this (taken from here):

{:foobar, git: "", tag: "0.1"}

If the author has good version control hygiene they will have stable tags and as we know, Git tags are basically pointers to a commit hash.

It is high time that all languages have this. Given an import ThisModule, only: [:function1, :function2] statement, I believe the compiler should go a few hundred extra miles to make damn sure to only include those functions and everything they depend on directly, in the resulting .beam file. Not so easy with runtime dynamic programming though (say you are passing a module as a function parameter for example, and that parameter depends on user input which cannot be predicted beforehand). Or this can be an extra mode for the mix xref command which is mighty useful and helped me refactor with great success several times now.

Many of us want that but the dependency in question might work perfectly under Elixir 1.4.0 and break under Elixir 1.7.2. Having a singular deployable application entity (with sub-applications and libraries bundled in) whose separate parts depend on different versions of the language/runtime is a problem that nobody wants to tackle, and rightfully so.