Problems with Ex_Docs when using Windows 10

  • Troubleshooting -

I am trying to use Ex_Docs which I’ve cut and pasted the dependency inside ‘deps’

I don’t get a response when using ‘deps.get’ and the command line doesn’t recognise “docs” as a command. Nothing appears to have happened which I find wierder than getting an error message.

added the ex_docs to the dependency. Iex reports my build as up-to-date after saving.

I then changed it to the latest code line from elixir-lang/ex_doc then ran it again it still reports the build as being uptodate using “mix deps.get”

After doing this I try and run “mix docs” there is not result it reports the ‘docs’ as ‘the task docs could not be found’.

I’m using Windows 10, not Linux I’m wondering if this has something to do with it.

I am trying to use Ex_Docs which I’ve cut and pasted the dependency inside ‘deps’

I don’t get a response when using ‘deps.get’ and the command line doesn’t recognise “docs” as a command. Nothing appears to have happened which I find wierder than getting an error message.

added the ex_docs to the dependency. Iex reports my build as up-to-date after saving.

I then changed it to the latest code line from elixir-lang/ex_doc then ran it again it still reports the build as being uptodate using “mix deps.get”

After doing this I try and run “mix docs” there is not result it reports the ‘docs’ as ‘the task docs could not be found’.

Did you run mix compile after mix deps.get as mentioned
in the doc section ‘Using ExDoc with Mix’?

No but I tried it then and got the same result.

I have been running “iex -S mix” and then quitting out using Ctrl+C and then rerunning it.

Here is the screenshot;

Here is the line inside “mix.exs”;

{:ex_doc, “~> 0.16”, only: :dev, runtime: false},

Thanks for any help.

I have been running “iex -S mix” and then quitting out using Ctrl+C and then
rerunning it.

Here is the screenshot;

Here is the line inside “mix.exs”;

{:ex_doc, “~> 0.16”, only: :dev, runtime: false},

  1. You might try updating that to 0.18, but

  2. Something is very wrong if you’ve run mix deps.get and
    no ‘mix.lock’ file was created. Are you sure ‘mix.exs’ is saved?

I don’t use (or trust anything to work on) Windows, so I have no
idea what steps you could take to troubleshoot past that. Hopefully
someone else can chime in there…

Did you highlight that line as a caption because you wanted to? Or did you copy it from your source as is, including the #, which denotes a comment? In this case, mix doesn’t pick up that line because it doesn’t see it.

Please show us the complete deps function from your mix.exs, and please wrap them properly in a fenced code block using 3 backticks (```) on a sole line at the beginning and the end (read more at github markdown docs)

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After your reply, you are right. I had the deps lines all commented out. Simple mistake.

After your reply, you are right. I had the deps lines all commented out.
Simple mistake.

Sounds like you’re not currently using an editor with decent syntax
highlighting – that would have been readily apparent.

Something to consider!

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Actually I did, it was just a rookie mistake.

Nice debuggin’!