Programming Phoenix LiveView Book Club!

Thanks @Tbobbe. (after noticing I skipped ‘try this’ in chapter 2) I did the same as you, and was tempted to skip the Mailer as well. Turns out to be a bit “now draw the rest of the owl” for me. I thought I’d use an AWS dev account I already had set up for Simple Email Service. On the phoenix side I needed to add some config, install another dependency (gen_smtp) and read some forum threads of other people who struggled with swoosh. It is almost working after a few hours (no more compiler errors etc after everything is in the right place) but no mails coming out yet.

As often with configuration - it is just a few lines, but they need to be the right few ones. Turns out by default, in ‘dev’ you can see the mails that would go out under /dev/mailbox that might be enough for this exercise.

On the other hand, I’d like to get a taste for how observable this combination (Swoosh and SES) would be in production. So this exercise gives me a bit of a feel for that.

Swoosh.Adapters.AmazonSES — Swoosh v1.14.1 is not bad - keep in mind that it does not mention switching the local mailbox for an actual mailer. Otherwise you’ll get an error about false/post/4 is undefined. Issues Sending Emails with Swoosh - #5 by ScriptyScott explains this. I used ‘Finch’ instead of ‘Hackney’ - I don’t know the differences between the two and Finch was already included in my install.