Proposal: Be able to tell if a character is fullwidth

I’m writing a simple library where I need to know if a character is fullwidth:

I was surprised this wasn’t in the standard language and implemented a naive solution that just checks if a character is between the appropriate Unicode codepoints.

@josevalim I’m interested in a) have you considered adding this function? and b) if you didn’t think so, why not?

As an extension, getting the fullwidth of a string would be cool. For example:

assert 10 == Width.string("안녕하세요")

Not taking care of fullwidth characters can make CLI output not fit in decorations like boxes or tables.

Just a random idea I had. My library works for me, but if this isn’t a niche use I’d like to see it in the language :smiley: Thanks for Elixir!

This is a great idea, but I believe that, similar to earlier proposals to find out other properties of unicode characters, we rather will want to add it to a package than to the core language itself.

The reason for this is that writing functions that handle all of unicode means that we have to store a lot of information about characters or character groups in the compiled binaries. This can result in executables that become impossible to use on embedded platforms such as a Raspberry Pi.

After previous discussions about this, a package called unicode was made. It knows some of the simple information about characters. Iirc, checking if a character is fullwidth is not one of them, but would be a great addition.

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@Qqwy has summed up my thoughts correctly. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the explanation!