QueryBuilder - Compose Ecto queries without effort

Ah, don’t know why I didn’t grok the extension approach you suggested at first. I like it! That should work well. I’ll give it a shot after we work out the resolution to Atom values in where args treated as schema fields · Issue #2 · mathieuprog/query_builder · GitHub

QueryBuilder v1.0.0 has been released! :tada:

New features:

  • add the Extension module allowing to easily extend QueryBuilder with user’s own functions
  • add support for offset and limit operations
  • differentiate field names vs an atom value with the syntax :<field_name>@self vs :<atom_value>

Thanks to @onomated that did all of the work, of high quality!

Because QueryBuilder is considered stable and there have been breaking changes, it has been bumped to 1.0.

Breaking changes:

QueryBuilder.order_by(User, lastname: :asc) becomes
QueryBuilder.order_by(User, asc: :lastname)

QueryBuilder.where(User, {:name, :eq, :nickname}) becomes
QueryBuilder.where(User, {:name, :eq, :nickname@self})
(concerns a comparison of two fields of the root schema)