Raxx - Interface for HTTP webservers, frameworks and clients (1.0 now released!)

Raxx now has a simple client for HTTP/1.1



request = Raxx.request(:GET, "http://example.com")
|> Raxx.set_header("accept", "text/html")

{:ok, response} = Raxx.SimpleClient.send_sync(request, 2000)


request = Raxx.request(:GET, "http://example.com")
|> Raxx.set_header("accept", "text/html")

channel = Raxx.SimpleClient.send_async(request)
{:ok, response} = Raxx.SimpleClient.yield(channel, 2000)

Simple Client

Client is simple because it makes very few assumptions about how to deal with requests and responses.

For example.

  • Cookies are not managed, each request is handled in isolation
  • Connections are not limited or reused, each request gets a new connection

These omissions of functionality make the client much simpler to work with and reason about.
They are also not limitations in many cases. An API client probably doesn’t use cookies.

Composable requests

Because a Raxx.Request is just a data structure,
using this client separates the logic of building the request from the side effect of sending it.

This makes it very easy add custom functionality for your own clients.

 import Raxx

def set_request_id(request, request_id) do
  |> set_header("x-request-id", request_id)

def set_json_payload(request, json) do
  |> set_header("content-type", "application/json")
  |> set_body(Poison.encode!(json))

# later
request = Raxx.request(:POST, "http://api.com/create_user")
|> set_request_id("12345")
|> set_json_payload(%{"username" => "alice"})

The value of this separation for me in my own projects has been with testing.
It’s now very easy to create invalid requests. just forget to set a request_id and then send it to the API.

Raxx 0.15.8 adds Raxx.SimpleClient