Raxx - Interface for HTTP webservers, frameworks and clients (1.0 now released!)

0.16.0 A Bucket of changes, focused around adding utilities and improving error cases.


  • set_body automatically adds the content length.
  • set_body raises exception for responses that cannot have a body.
  • html_escape moved to EExHTML project.



  • :maximum_body_length options when using Raxx.Server so protect against bad clients.
  • Raxx.set_content_length/3 to set the content length of a request or response.
  • Raxx.get_content_length/2 to get the integer value for the content length of a message.
  • Raxx.set_attachment/2 helper to tell the browser the response should be stored on disk rather than displayed in the browser.
  • Raxx.safe?/1 to check if request method marks it as safe.
  • Raxx.idempotent?/1 to check if request method marks it as idempotent.
  • Raxx.get_query/1 replacement for Raxx.fetch_query/1 because it never returns error case.


  • Raxx.set_body/2 will raise an exception for responses that cannot have a body.
  • Raxx.set_body/2 automatically adds the “content-length” if it is able.
  • Requests and Responses now work with iodata.
    • Raxx.body spec changed to include iodata.
    • Improved error message when using invalid iolist in a view.
    • Raxx.NotFound works with iodata for temporary body during buffering.
    • render function generated by Raxx.View sets body to iodata from view,
      without turning into a binary.
  • Raxx.set_header/2 now raises when setting connection specific headers.


  • EEx.HTML replaced by EExHTML from the eex_html hex package.
  • Raxx.html_escape/1 replaced by EExHTML.escape_to_binary/1.


  • Raxx.HTTP1.parse_request/1 and Raxx.HTTP1.parse_response/1 handle more error cases.
    • response/request sent when request/response expected.
    • multiple “host” headers in message.
    • invalid “content-length” header.
    • multiple “content-length” headers in message.
    • invalid “connection” header.
    • multiple “connection” headers in message.