Recent changes to Phoenix testing?

I am getting this error too with absinthe 1.4 and phoenix 1.4.11 in test mode.

How did you get past this error?

1) test Testing the Posts Query Should get all posts(1 of 1) (WolfBlogWeb.Schema.Posts.Queries.PostsQueryTest)
     ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:already, :owner}
       (wolf_blog) test/support/conn_case.ex:32: WolfBlogWeb.ConnCase.__ex_unit_setup_0/1
       (wolf_blog) test/support/conn_case.ex:1: WolfBlogWeb.ConnCase.__ex_unit__/2
       test/wolf_blog_web/schema/posts/queries/posts_query_test.exs:1: WolfBlogWeb.Schema.Posts.Queries.PostsQueryTest.__ex_unit__/2

Update: Can confirm that it is Db related because my seeder works for dev mode but not for testing mode.

Solved in this thread Absinthe no schema for the api route