Release of ElixirScript, a Github Action to run Elixir code in workflow steps

Hi everyone,

I’ve released this new GitHub Actions called Elixir Script, because I wanted a way to script various tasks in my GitHub Actions workflows and wished for a way to use Elixir to do it.

Thus: ElixirScript, a Github Action to run Elixir code in workflow steps.

It works by taking a script as input, which gets run, and then the script’s return is available in outputs.result for later steps to use. Like this:


- uses: gaggle/elixir_script@v0
  id: script
    script: |
      defmodule Greeter do
        def greet(name), do: "Oh hi #{name}!"

- name: Get result
  run: echo "${{steps.script.outputs.result}}"
  # Echos "Oh hi Mark!"

And the script is run with bindings to the GitHub Actions context that caused the run, so it’s easy to react to run-specific information. For example, :

  script: |
    "🚀 Pushed to #{} by @#{}! 

I think it’s a pretty easy, very low-friction way of getting to write some of the devopsy glue-code automations in Elixir. And it was a lot of fun to write as I got to learn about Elixir and GitHub Actions :slight_smile:.

Happy to hear any thoughts, feedback, suggestions, etc.

The actual marketplace page is here: Elixir Script · Actions · GitHub Marketplace · GitHub


Hi everyone,

I’ve released 0.3.0, introducing a pre-authenticated GitHub client via Tentacat, so it’s now really easy to write scripts that interacts with the GitHub API. Here I get a list of stargazers:

- uses: gaggle/elixir_script@v0
  script: |
    {200, stargazers, _} = Tentacat.Users.Starring.stargazers(client, "gaggle", "elixir_script")
    IO.inspect(Enum.map_join(stargazers, ", ", & &1["login"]), label: "Stargazers")

And it can also cause changes, here I star a repository:

- uses: gaggle/elixir_script@v0
  script: |
    {204, _, _} =, "gaggle", "elixir_script")

You can also pass in a custom Personal Access Token via the GH_TOKEN environment variable, if you need specific permissions the built-in token doesn’t provide:

- uses: gaggle/elixir_script@v0
  script: |
    IO.puts("client now uses the passed-in custom token")
    GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PAT }}

It was really simple to add, so my deepest thanks to Eduardo Gurgel for providing such an easy-to-use GitHub client!

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