Runtime configuration library (with casting, validation etc...) for native releases

By the way, another key idea behind Specify was to be explicit in what is read from where. It is meant to be able to be used by libraries just as much as applications, which was based on a discussion on this forum two years ago about structuring configuration (Rethinking app env - #20 by blatyo).
The key idea is that a library can specify clearly what values (and types of values) are expected, as well as default ways to structure the configuration-layering. People using the library can then override this default configuration-layering (as well as the values passed at any of those layers).
The configuration-layer that always takes the most precedence is the one where we pass in values explicitly when calling YourConfigModule.load(explicit_values: %{...}, _other, _options) or YourConfigModule.load_explicit(..., _options), to allow for easy testability or per-location defaults (rather than only per-process or only globally).

@sasajuric I wonder about the choice of your new to-be-released configuration library to use functions to retrieve the configuration for two reasons:

  1. This does not allow ‘local’ overrides to the configuration. Of course, one might argue that the kinds of settings that need local overrides should not be stored in (this kind of) configuration at all. However, deciding whether that is the case for some value is then e.g. placed on the burden of a library designer, unless your library is not intended to be used by other libraries but only by top-level applications.
  2. It hides the internal details of fetching the configuration. What if fetching configuration is slow but we write code where we call one of the configuration functions many times per second? This is probably the kind of stuff that works fine in development but might break in production, where configuration might be fetched from other locations. And what if race conditions happen where we fetch two related configuration-values, but between the two reads the configuration source is updated, so we end up with one ‘old’ and one ‘new’ value?

Nevertheless, I love the idea of having clear specs (and therefore code-completion-suggestions and potentially some type-checks or other compile-time-checks) and would love to pick your brain on if there are ways to combine this while leaving the two properties I mentioned intact.


I think this depends on what you are configuring.

  • wrong field names being used in the code that consumes the configuration could be catched at compile-time.
  • missing configuration should prevent the piece of code that requires that configuration to be run. If your whole application depends on something, that should prevent it from starting. If only part of it depends on it, you can still use the rest (just using normal supervision techniques; processes that require something fetch that during their startup).
  • Although rare, sometimes it makes sense to reload configuration at runtime (i.e. alter the configuration independently from your app’s release cycle). We do get close to the deeper question of ‘when can we call something configuration’?

I think this is also covered by my reply above :slight_smile:.

This is a good question. Specify predates the new Mix release changes, and I have not had time to look into how these changes might enable special interoptability.

A related question to ask, however, is in which way the two should interact:
Should we see Mix releases as a single configuration source, or should we instead see Specify/Vapor/Saša’s new tool as a source for Mix’s way to do configuration?
I currently lean towards the former, because Mix’s way of doing configuration is more rigid than what these tools can provide, but I am very interested in the opinions of @keathley and @sasajuric and anyone else on this matter.