SaladUI - Phoenix liveview components inspired by shadui

I built a component like that based off LiveSelect, you can see the code here:

hooks: garage/assets/js/tag_selector.js at ffa81e06cfda53a2cc4d8c171bf1fa014337390d · andyleclair/garage · GitHub
wrapper: garage/lib/garage_web/components/core_components.ex at ffa81e06cfda53a2cc4d8c171bf1fa014337390d · andyleclair/garage · GitHub
usage: garage/lib/garage_web/live/carburetor_live/form_component.ex at ffa81e06cfda53a2cc4d8c171bf1fa014337390d · andyleclair/garage · GitHub


@andyleclair Thank you!!!

@bluzky Had a thought, have you considered changing the name of the project to Shadcn Phoenix or Elixir or something like that? It’s a great project and in my opinion addresses one of the primary weaknesses of Phoenix and Liveview. It might help make the project more discoverable. I also say that because it seems to be the standard pattern for groups making ports of Shadcn, such as shadcn-svelte or shadcn-vue. Looks like is already taken (registered in august), was that one of you guys?


Thanks @andyleclair, I’ll play with it

Thank you, I have not registered any domain yet. Regarding the name, I think salad :green_salad: is fun, you can pick any veg you want and add your sauce to make your own salad. :smile:

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Upgrade generated CoreComponents with SaladUI

For those who want to try SaladUI quickly, here are some simple steps:

  1. Install Salad UI as a library
mix salad.init --as-lib
  1. Backup your CoreComponents and replace with following code (remember to replace SaladStorybookWeb with your app prefix)
    salad_storybook/lib/salad_storybook_web/components/core_components.ex at main · bluzky/salad_storybook · GitHub
  2. Tada, start your app and check the result

You can check the storybook here Core Component


Update 23 Nov

Hi friends,
I’m so excited to share some demo of sidebar component. It’s a big component so there must be many bugs. There are also some limitations that I still not be able to solve. Dropdown menu not work in the sidebar content is an know issue.

Please take a look and share your feedback.
Thank you

Sidebar demo



Awesome! I can’t wait to test it.


Release 0.14.0

After a few week fighting with sidebar component, today SaladUI 0.14.0 is released with a few interesting updates


  • Implement Sidebar component
  • Introduce as_child tag to merge multiple SaladUI tag
  • Introduce dynamic tag which allow dynamic rendering a tag.

Breaking changes

  • Replace tails by tw_merge which extracted from turboprop. You have to add TwMerge.Cache to children list in your application.ex
  • Collapsible component doesn’t use builder anymore.

@bluzky I really like your library. But I just stumbled upon a requirement I am not 100% sure how to solve. I have a tab UI which contains some heavy content pages. I would prefer to load them dynamically, but right now I am not sure how to do that. Or am I missing something?

You’re right, I should add option to manually handle tab click from backend. Pls open an issue on Github

The library is fantastic.
I think I found a bug, where the source code of the Sidebar is not available.

Anyway, could contribute?

Thanks @arcyfelix, I have fix the storybook. Any contribution is more than welcome.

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I have update tab to support override click even on tab trigger.
By default, JS handle click action to active appropriate tab.
When override with phx-click it’s your job to handle which tab content is render

@impl true
  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
    {:ok, assign(socket, active_tab: "account")}

def render(assigns) do
     <.tabs default="account" id="settings" :let={builder} class="w-[400px]">
        <.tabs_list class="grid w-full grid-cols-2">
          <.tabs_trigger builder={builder} phx-value-tab="account" phx-click="active-tab">account</.tabs_trigger>
          <.tabs_trigger builder={builder} phx-value-tab="password" phx-click="active-tab">password</.tabs_trigger>
        <.tabs_content :if={@active_tab == "account"}>
            <.card_content class="p-6">
        <.tabs_content :if={@active_tab == "password"}>
            <.card_content class="p-6">

  def handle_event("active-tab", %{"tab" =>tab}, socket) do
     {:noreply, assign(socket, :active_tab, tab)}
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Sure thing! Fantastic!


Nice work! :star_struck: It seems the Tooltip story is a bit broken. I don’t get any tooltip on hover. Tried Chrome and Firefox.

thanks @westmark, let me fix this

Hi there. @bluzky your dashboards caught me. Good work!
I tried to kick start a project by installing salad_ui and got confused, because I wasn’t able to reproduce the examples shown in the storybook. It seems like the examples rely to the storybook itself to function properly.

Is there a way to take an example (sidebar/dashboard) copy it into an existing project and start modifying building it? I’m a bit new to storybooks and not sure what to expect really.

Could you give me your repo, I will take a look to see how can fix your issue.
The reason why the classes have to be wrapped with .salad-storybook-web comes from tailwind config

this make sure tailwind css classes won’t mix with storybook css

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This issue is fixed, please check the storybook again


Perfect, thank you :smiley:

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