SELECT atom literal in ecto

I want to get a tuple from ecto, with a literal atom… bit I cannot figure out if that is possible or not.

This works:

Ecto.Query.from(u in User, select: {, u.username})

And I get a list of tuples back.

Conceptually I want to do this

Ecto.Query.from(u in User, select: {:user,, u.username})

And get tuples like {:user, 32782, “kwando”} back.

So I guess my question is if that it possible and what the syntax is if it possible?

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I’m not doing much of ecto, but if that doesn’t work out of the box, I’d try ^:user or a pre-assigned variable and pin that.

Yep, I tried to with pin… did not work :slight_smile:

AFAIK you can’t select atoms.

The “best” you can do is select strings and then map them through String.to_atom

Ecto.Query.from(u in User, select: {"user",, u.username}) 
|> Repo.all() 
|> {a, b, c} -> {String.to_atom(a), b, c} end)