Sensible way to abstract away request client library in my application?

What about? Likely because of pos_integer() instead of integer()?

The call 'Elixir.Appsignal':set_gauge("database_size",pos_integer()) breaks the contract ('Elixir.String':t(),float() | integer()) -> 'ok'

I think I’m just going to add all of these to my .dialyzerignore file.

:blush: That’s what I did first.

But solving warnings taught me a lot.

But all this will teach me is how to create PRs to fix specs across every library I use :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I’ll stick with dialyzer, though. Don’t think I can go back to hoping my types are ok.

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Not sure what editor you are using but if you are using VSCode or Atom the excellent or extensions will incrementally run dialyzer in the background for you as you work and show the list of warnings to fix.

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Awesome! I’m on Vim. I imagine there is a plugin, or could write a simple one. At the minute I’m just running dialyzer as part of my build process.

Yup -


@BitGonzo, ALE started supporting elixir_ls, which shows compile and dialyzer errors! You do have to save for it to compile/check though, but I really have found this helpful. You can also add credo and mix to get linting/formatting errors. If you add mix as as a “fixer,” it will format on save too.

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