Shortcomings in LiveView - are there any I should look out for?

There is another trick that you can use for private pages only, which is to not render the content on disconnected render. In your live.html.eex, you can do this:

<%= if connected?(@socket) do %>
  <%= @inner_content %>
<% else %>
  <div class="loading">...</div>
<% end %>

Now you don’t send the contents twice and the user has to wait for the page to complete after the initial load (as they would in a SPA). Given how LV optimizes data sending, LV ends-up sending less data over the wire than a complete server render and a similar SPA (which may have to send large parts of the app upfront).

However, keep in mind this means no content is sent on the “disconnected render”. So if you do this for public pages, it means no SEO. But it works fine for private content.