Should Phoenix follow Elixir naming standards by default?

This is exactly the approach I am using in my projects. Example controller. I really do not like the default approach where the “regular” naming scheme is broken. Thanks to that approach it router is IMHO much cleaner:

scope "/", LangustaWeb.Controllers do
  pipe_through :browser

  get "/", Stories, :index
  get "/newest", Stories, :newest
  get "/newest/:name", Stories, :newest

  get "/s/:id/*rest", Stories, :show
  get "/t/:tags", Stories, :for_tags

  get "/u/:name", Account, :profile
  get "/login", Account, :login_form
  post "/login", Account, :login

  scope "/" do
    pipe_through :logged_in

    post "/s/:story_id/vote/:vote", Votes, :story

    get "/submit", Stories, :new
    post "/submit", Stories, :create

    delete "/logout", Account, :logout

See Mama, no Controller repeated over and over again.

However recently I am thinking about grouping the controller, view, and templates within single “domain-oriented” directory.