Is this intended, or bug?
What exactly is happening that isn’t what you expect?
I haven’t looked at the part of the code in a while. But if I remember correctly, manage_relationship
applies skip_unknown_inputs itself, by looking at the accepts and the action inputs.
But it’s not working correctly.
The action executed by manage_relationship
does not check unknown inputs.
It just ignores all unknown inputs.
I am just wondering, is this behavior intended or a bug?
From looking at the code it seems pretty intentional to me.
But we’ll have to wait for Zach to return from vacation to hear his exact reasoning.
To clarify, you are passing values that should be accepted and therefore, you expect an error to be shown instead of just using the accepted values and ignoring the others?
I don’t have any intention yet.
But it seems weird I think, because it’s just an action whether it is called directly or executed by manage_relationship.
Therefore, it should be consistent, but it’s not.
Now, when I call it directly, it checks unknown input and raise.
And execute it thru manage_relationship, it does not check.
Just I am curious about this.
The main issue is that manage relationship can result in multiple different actions being called. So to do this right, we’d need to check ahead of time “what are all possible action inputs that could be called”, and then say “skip any inputs valid for any of those actions”. It is actually possible, but ultimately is just more complex and so wasn’t done. Please open an issue, as this would be a nice quality of life improvement in the future.