Snoozing a subset of jobs in the chunk

Hello! I have a limitation trying to handle failed jobs in the Oban.Pro.Workers.Chunk worker. For one subset of jobs I must apply exponential backoff (the default one is enough) and for another one I need to snooze them, which is not possible since only error and cancel are supported.
Is there any way to do that? It would be great to be able to do the next:

[error: {reason, jobs}, snooze: {reason, jobs}]

Oban Pro version 1.4.13, Oban version 2.18.0

Sadly, no, there isn’t a way to snooze a section of chunk jobs. This is the first time we’ve had a request for that feature, and it makes sense!

It’s in the Pro backlog and might make it into v1.5 if there are additional RCs.


Nice to hear that, waiting for it :slight_smile:

Hi! This feature would be useful to me too! Even it snoozes all the jobs.