SQL Query does not translate purely

I have the following SQL Query which returns the results I want and expect:

    select unit_number, type, make, model, serial_number, jobs.name as job_name, kms, MAX(equipment_hr_km_entries.inserted_at) as max_date
    from equipment_hr_km_entries
    right join jobs on jobs.id = equipment_hr_km_entries.job_id
    right join our_equipments on our_equipments.id = equipment_hr_km_entries.our_equipment_id
    group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
    order by unit_number ASC

However when I translate said query line by line to Ecto, the results are completely different to what I get with pure SQL. I have no idea why this is happening. My Ecto query is the following:

query = from e in "equipment_hr_km_entries",
    right_join: j in "jobs", on: j.id == e.job_id,
    right_join: oe in "our_equipments", on: oe.id == e.our_equipment_id,
    group_by: [oe.unit_number, oe.type, oe.make, oe.model, oe.serial_number, j.name, e.kms],
    order_by: oe.unit_number,
    select: [oe.unit_number, oe.type, oe.make, oe.model, oe.serial_number, j.name, e.kms, max(e.inserted_at)]


I will greatly appreciate any guidance as to what I am doing wrong. :slight_smile: :grinning:

However when I translate said query line by line to Ecto, the results are completely different to what I get with pure SQL.

It’d be helpful to know in what way they are different. Different ordering, grouping, etc.

What SQL is Ecto generating for this query? You can inspect it using Ecto.Adapters.SQL.to_sql/3


Thank you both, strangely, both SQL and Ecto are now returning the same results… I will confirm and report back in a few minutes. THANKS A BUNCH

My original question was incorrect. Ecto did translate my query without issues.