Stateful components must have a single static HTML tag at the root

I have trouble turning my stateless component into stateful one. From the current parent controller, I am injecting the live_component:


    id={"demographic-form-#{}"} />

Now, lets see what we have in that form component:


<div class="hero"> We are here <%= {} %> </div>

<.form let={f} phx_target={@myself} for={@changeset} phx-submit="save">
    <%= label f, :gender %>
    <%= select f, :gender, ["female", "male"] %>
    <%= error_tag f, :gender %>
    <%= label f, :year_of_birth %>
    <%= select f, :year_of_birth, Enum.reverse(1940..2020)%>
    <%= error_tag f, :year_of_birth %>
    <%= hidden_input f, :user_id %>
    <%= submit "Save", phx_disable_with: "Saving..." %>


When I go to render the page, I get this error:

** ArgumentError at GET /survey

error on MaxiWeb.DemographicLive.FormComponent.render/1 with id of “demographic-form-1”. Stateful components must have a single static HTML tag at the root**

Can someone help me with this? Thanks

wrap the template contents in a container (such as a div) and you will be good to go


Thank you so much!

Is this an error in the docs? I tried these as-is but got this error until I wrapped the template in the LiveComponent in a div.

Scroll down to Limitations

Live Components require a single HTML tag at the root. It is not possible to have components that render only text or multiple tags

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