Strategies to figure out what's causing many files to recompile?

Our project is large now and I’m trying to fix this problem for our devs.

How can I figure out what’s causing 72 files to recompile when I just change my heex template by one char.

[debug]  Live reload: lib/myapp_web/live/home_live.html.heex
[debug]  Live reload: lib/myapp_web/live/home_live.html.heex
Compiling 72 files (.ex)

I’m looking for strategies to identify what’s going on and fix it. Did any of you ever experience this before?

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Found this article, seems promising. Speeding up re-compilation of Elixir projects - Dashbit Blog

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what elixir version are you on?

1.13 came with a lot of improvements… elixir/ at v1.13 · elixir-lang/elixir · GitHub - and the changelog is full of mix xref goodies…