Streaming from a redis channel through a phoenix channel

So your saying I can declare a set of handle_info functions inside the channel which will match the information being broadcast from Redis?

From what I’ve trie using the Phoenix_PubSub_Redis adapter provides the following functions:

  def handle_info({:redix_pubsub, redix_pid, :subscribed, _}, %{redix_pid: redix_pid} = state) do
    {:noreply, state}

  def handle_info({:redix_pubsub, redix_pid, :message, %{payload: bin_msg}}, %{redix_pid: redix_pid} = state) do
    {_vsn, remote_node_ref, fastlane, pool_size, from_pid, topic, msg} = :erlang.binary_to_term(bin_msg)

    if remote_node_ref == state.node_ref do
      Local.broadcast(fastlane, state.server_name, pool_size, from_pid, topic, msg)
      Local.broadcast(fastlane, state.server_name, pool_size, :none, topic, msg)

    {:noreply, state}

These will catch any information flowing over the selected channel. In this case its phx:Elixir.TpPhoenix.PubSub. However this doesn’t allow me to choose the channel to listen to based on the key the user sent in.

Similarly Redix_PubSub uses the recieve do to match the message format in Redis.