Task.start vs TaskSupervisor


See also:

Kernel.raise/1 is an Elixir style exception - exit/1 is the original Erlang style process exception which can be caught within the process but will terminate that process if it is not caught.

Therefore, it receives exit signals from the task as messages.

Signals relate to process links (and convert to :EXIT messages when trapped) - :DOWN messages relate to monitors - two entirely separate mechanisms.

it is not clear to me if Task.await/1 is correct in a Phoenix Channel at all because it enters a receive block to consume messages directly from the process mailbox. What do you think?

That is the fundamental issue with await - it blocks the process outside of the OTP code. But keep in mind that even calls with GenServer.call/3 to another process are blocking. So there are situations where it can be OK - it’s more of an issue of awareness of blocking behaviour.

On the other hand, Task.await/1 emits exit signals from within that receive block

Your channel/topic process is executing await/2 and therefore exit/1 - so it’s not a signal yet - it can still be stopped with a try..catch.

How is the supervisor of the WS going to react to those signals?

If uncaught the channel/topic process will be terminated. I’m not sure how the supervisor is configured, so I can’t predict its behaviour.

Further update:

So by default the channel/topic process won’t be restarted (from the server end) - “any termination (even abnormal) is considered successful”.

And if I’m reading this right the supervisor is running with default max_restarts: (3) and :max_seconds (5) i.e. if there are more than 3 restarts within 5 seconds the supervisor will terminate.

So it looks like intensely crashing channel/topic processes will in fact terminate the pool supervisor easily.

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