Tech Podcasts

I enjoy the bikeshed. The back catalog has a few elixir related episodes from around mid 2016.

There’s a great moment in one of the episodes where Derek says something along the lines of: “We just write phoenix apps like it’s Rails, but now it runs faster and doesn’t have N+1 query bugs”.

That convinced me that Elixir has a future outside of functional programming enthusiasts :smiley:


how does Phoenix circumvent n+1 bugs?

I do not think that it is phoenix who avoids n+1, but the differences between how one uses ecto vs activerecord.

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There are so many things wrong about that quote :confused:

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Can you elaborate please?

This is the part I cringed at:

We just write phoenix apps like it’s Rails

Nothing like missing an opportunity to improve the status quo.

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We just write phoenix apps like it’s Rails, but now it runs faster and doesn’t have N+1 query bugs

This is a very interesting quote. I think it’s clear that everyone here agrees that it is not the ideal approach to Phoenix. Yet it will be the reality for many Phoenix developers, especially as they first get started with Phoenix (well for the ones that come from Rails). And it is heartening that even with that flawed approach there are many benefits to working with Phoenix, partially because how Phoenix gently (and sometimes not so gently) constrains and guides you to better (IMO) solutions, along with the intrinsic benefits of running on top of BEAM/OTP.

Sometimes this is very explicit such as Ecto vs ActiveRecord and sometimes it is more subtle, for examples plugs and maybe contexts. Overall I am really pleased that Phoenix (and Elixir) is able to remain approachable to those just getting started with functional programming, especially those coming from an OO background. Many other functional languages do not have this, especially languages like Haskell and perhaps even Clojure. The fact that Phoenix/Elixir is approachable is one reason that I’m betting my career (not entire career of course) on it.


Really interested in the [topic] as well. The only technical non-shallow podcast I know of is DevZen (multitude of programming langs, elixir included, databases, various networking stuff etc). Sorry guys, russian only. I’m yet to find something similar in terms of quality in English.


I am big fan of Functional Geekery.
Thx for lamdacast, I will check this one.

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This is another one that is pretty well thought out -

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I like this one too :slight_smile:

We have some tech podcast here

I forgot about that thread - let’s merge them as they’re pretty much the same topic :slight_smile:

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Apache Beam Founder Tyler Akidau Discusses Streaming System and Their Complexities


I started listening to Magic Read Along (twitter link) - “A podcast about the internet, life and programming by Brian Lonsdorf and Hardy Jones”.

There’s a lot of non-tech content, but I think it makes the podcast more entertaining.

The hosts talk a lot about functional programming. Mostly typed languages (Purescript) but I feel like the shapes and patterns discussed (like free monad, profunctor etc) are universal in the functional programming world. The topic of Elixir/Erlang sometimes comes up, too.

I don’t always understand what they are talking about ( :smiley: ) but the podcast is definitely interesting

OT: Also, I can’t listen to any podcast without changing playback speed. People just talk too slowly :smiley:

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This is about JavaScript, clutter, purity, and thoughts on what should be in the language that comes after, assuming that we all live that long. by Douglas Crockford

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That was an interesting listen, I’ll keep HTTP/2 in mind for my future projects :slight_smile: