Tests randomly failing when run in a VM

No luck with this locally, although I still have to try it on CI.

@axelson @mbaeuerle were you able to solve this problem?

I’ve a similar issue…

locally - everything is fine
ci - irregular errors with the ownership

:sweat_smile: looks like I forgot to report back! No we haven’t been hitting it (but I’m not sure what changed) but it’s possible that my 3.0.6 test failures might be related although they seem different at first glance.

On the CI we are usually testing on a completely clean DB, so I am wondering, if it makes sense to add ecto.drop in the template before creation & migration? Would make the tests run some seconds longer, but it would “a bit” equal the conditions on CI & locally.

test: ["ecto.drop --quiet", "ecto.create --quiet", "ecto.migrate", "test"]