The future of the web - what does it look like to you?

Big question

Basically the web is a gigantic kludge - a complete mess - it’s not what the
early pioneers wanted it to be.

The biggest change would be one to make the web less fragile.

Things that work today should work the same way in a thousand years time.

History should be preserved. Allready we cannot find data that was stored as little
as ten years ago - what hope is there for future generations to see what we have been up to today.

The trouble with the web is its brittleness - change a filename on a server and
suddenly you might break thousands of applications that store links to this file.

One day the web might actually implement hypertext as envisaged by Ted Nelson.

The 17 rules of Xanadu might one day be implemented

The “404 Not found” message would go away forever.

Moving files would not break programs that pointed to these files.

The web would be totally read/write symmetric.

Changing incorrect data should be simple and foolproof.

Example: If I see a spelling mistake on any page I should be able to immediately
correct it and this change would quickly propagate to any users who were currently
viewing the page (pretty tricky this one - needs some fancy authentication etc. to stop abuse)

The control of the web should be returned to the users and not the “big five”

If you’re interested in this topic take a look on YouTube

search for

  • “computers for cynics” by Ted Nelson – these are great
  • “the computer revolution hasn’t happened yet” by Alan Kay

Watch these and you’ll get some idea of what the web was imagined to be
before it was messed up.

My talk (on YouTube) “the mess we’re in” takes up some of these problems

Fun topic - I guess in a few hundred years we might have figured out how to
make a decent web right now it’s early days - so it’s still a big mess

Lots for you guys to do then :slight_smile: